Порно дивата беше сон за секој маж, а потоа ја зголеми својата килажа: Џена Џејмисон се врати во форма и “пука” од сексапил


Најпознатата порно глумица водела битка со килограмите, а својот изглед конечно го доведе во посакуваната форма, па се пофали на социјалните мрежи.

Џена Џејмисон (44) била “жена од соништата” за посилниот пол, а откако се породи имала проблеми со килажата па драстично се здебелила. Сега “порно дивата” ја покажа својата промена и им даде совет на своите следбеници на Инстаграм.

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Ugh. I almost chickened out on posting this before image of me. This is me at my heaviest, probably around 187 maybe more. More than likely more. I asked my hubby to shoot a elbow up pic for a pro breastfeeding pic for IG. I don’t even know what to say, other than I’m so sorry to my body. Moving on. Let’s talk what a day of eating looks like for me on the 1 day I don’t practice #intermittentfasting I wake up with Batel around 7 am. I immediately chug 1-2 cups of coffee (regular instant) with a scoop of coconut oil and a splash of sugar free creamer (can’t stop won’t stop) In about an hour I make 3 scrambled eggs with mushrooms and a handful of Mexican mixed shredded cheese. I cut an avocado and take half. I then put Batel down for her nap at noon and work on my poshmark until she wakes at 2:30-3:00. I’m STARVING by then so I throw a ribeye steak in my cast iron skillet and grill it with purple onions and garlic. I serve it over kale. I don’t get enormously hungry for dinner so I usually bake a small fillet of fish (I love sea bass). That’s it! I get so many requests on what I eat so I may make this a weekly deal to help y’all with your #ketodiet ♥️ keep me updated on your progress, it makes me happy to hear your wins! Oh and can we just talk about my abs peeping through? ? #beforeandafterweightloss #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle #sober #bodypositive #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fitmom #healthylifestyle #keto #ketotransformation #beforeandafter

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За само 8 месеци Џена ослабела 37 килограми, а открила дека имала 91 килограм на 23 април оваа година.

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Let’s talk menu. I get a lot of messages asking me what I eat in a day to stay in ketosis. Well, it’s underwhelming. I am one of those odd people that doesn’t need variety. Every morning I eat the exact same thing. 3 eggs with cheese and an avocado. Lunch is my biggest meal, I always eat arugula salad, grilled asparagus or zucchini with some kind of meat (usually a hamburger patty or grilled chicken) I then snack when ever I feel hungry (usually on almonds or macadamia nuts… sometime cottage cheese) that’s it! Then I begin my fast at 6 pm. I drink lots of water until I go to sleep at around 10 pm. I drink coffee at 8 am and I end my fast at 11 am. That’s it! No magic, no fancy diet… just clean whole organic foods. I waved bye bye to anything processed or packaged a long time ago. This is 60 lbs gone my friend. It can be done! I’m always asked how I have the will power… well when you see results like this in 4 months, it powers you!!!! Let me know your results and questions! #keto #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #fitmom #beforeandafter #ketodiet #transformation *i wasn’t pregnant in the before pic?

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“Опседната сум кога ќе ги видам моите здрави навики во акција. На првата фотографија имав 91 килограм, на втората 57 килограми, а на третата 54 килограми. Како што гледате на третата мојата кожа започнува да се затегнува по малку”, напиша Џена на Инстаграм.

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Let’s talk about the mental aspect of losing weight and getting healthy. I’m going to be honest with you, when I was heavy I hated leaving the house. I felt judged. I felt eyes on me everywhere. I could hear others internal monologue saying “damn, Jenna Jameson let herself go” ugh. All of us do this, we worry so very much how we are perceived. But beyond that shallow thinking there was deeper shame. I was disappointed in myself. I was worried I couldn’t lose the weight Sober. I’m being real with you. When I was in my addiction it was easy to stay thin. Sobriety and being overweight was new to me. I kept telling myself if I could beat addiction and stay sober, I can easily lose the weight… and I did. The healthy way. And as of today I can say my mental game is STRONG. I feel I can do anything, I conquered abuse, addiction, PTSD and depression. Thank you for listening and please tell me your stories below, I read every comment ? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #keto #ketodiet #sober #sobriety #beforeandafter #fitmom #mentalhealth

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