Неверојатна трансформација: Имала 169 килограми , а сега има над 300.000 фанови само на Инстаграм (ФОТО)


Симон Андерсон од Оукланд, Нов Зеланд, ја покажа својата неверојатна телесна трансформација откако изгуби дури 92 килограми.

Кон крајот на минатиот месец, 29-годишната девојка објави фотографија на Инстаграм споредувајќи го изгледот од 2014 година и сегашниот, а луѓето не можат да веруваат колку таа се сменила.

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Reflecting on the past (nearly 6 years) is always a few surreal feeling. The girl in the left used to struggle to walk up her own driveway, a 20 minute walk ruined her. Fast food was the base of her diet and most 99% of meals where heavily processed. Fast forward to today, I have lost a total of 92kg and train daily. I eat balanced and fresh meals and enjoy watching how strong and fit I become every single day. I have always felt beautiful, I have always been confident the difference now is that I know I am going to live a long and healthy life. My weight never defined me as a person, I was still the same bubbly, outgoing, driven and organised Simone but it definitely limited the life I could live. Gastric sleeve surgery saved my life, I don’t believe I would be alive today without this life changing surgery. It gave me the tools to reinvent my eating and take a good hard look at my exercise habits. It certainly doesn’t do the hard work for you, that is long term changes you have to make but it gives you the fresh slate to feel able to tackle these changes. My surgery was done at Auckland Weight Loss surgery with Richard Babor for those that will ask, and skin removal with @drrepta_plasticsurgery Togs @nzbananahammock

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„Размислувањето за изминатите скоро шест години секогаш ми предизвикува надреални чувства.“, започна таа. „Девојката од лево се бореше да се искачи на сопствената патека и 20-минутната прошетка ќе ја уништеше“.

„Брзата храна беше основа на нејзината диета и 99 проценти од нејзините оброци беа преработени“, откри таа, додавајќи дека нејзината сегашна состојба е сосема поинаква. „Изгубив 92 килограми и тренирам секој ден“.

„Јадам избалансирани и здрави оброци и уживам кога гледам дека станувам сè посилна и поцврста секој ден“.

Клучниот момент се случил кога сфати дека мора да промени нешто во нејзиниот живот, откако вагата покажа дека тежи 169 килограми. Потоа и беше понудена операција за стеснување на желудникот, која ја прифатила и започна нејзината неверојатна трансформација.

Таа вели дека операцијата и го спасила животот и дека и овозможила да започне да живее и да вежба поздраво.

Откако ја изгубила тежината, имала деветчасовна операција за да го отстрани вишокот на кожа од губење на тежината, што ја чинело дури 20 000 долари во Соединетите држави.

Оттогаш, таа стана sвезда на социјалните мрежи, а повеќе од 313 илјади луѓе ја следат само на Инстаграм.

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August 29th 2014- a date I will never forget. The date I decided I would stop letting food control me and I would take control of my health. I had no idea how exactly I was going to do it, but I knew this was it. At 23 years old and 169kg I was terrified, terrified I wouldn’t live to see 30, terrified I would one day soon be trapped in a room unable to fit out my own door and terrified most of all that I would never be able to start a family of my own which is and always has been my ultimate dream in life. This was it – I had to make changes. These changes never once were for vanity purposes, to be skinning or pretty wasn’t my goal because even at 169kg I knew I was beautiful and I rocked it. This was and always has been for my health and my wellbeing and living a longer, healthier life. It’s been 5 years, and I woke up this morning with a realisation…. I can’t remember the last time I woke up without a huge smile on my face. My health and my journey has grown into my entire mental well-being hand in hand. I choose happiness and positivity daily, I practise gratitude morning and evening. I start every day looking in the mirror and repeat self affirmations. I am proud. Proud of who I used to be, a girl who never let her weight get in the way of trying to live her life, who still felt beautiful despite what society told her daily. I am proud of the girl who battled for years to find a new lifestyle. And I am proud of who I am today. I have so many dreams and ambitions but honesty above all else happiness is my ultimate goal and I can say hand on heart I am content. Yes I have had skin removal surgery by the talented @drrepta_plasticsurgery – can’t recommend him and his work more!

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